Monday, August 22, 2011

Be Inspired Monday: It's in the Stars...

When i was in middle school, one of our field trips was to the planetarium.  It was one of the best trips we had ever been on.  As a child, sitting in the seats and experiencing the stars above was magical and something completely out of this world.

I did not do much star gazing as a child growing up in the great outdoors.  My mother and grandmother told me that if i counted the stars i would go blind and as a child, i did not want to go blind.  I believe they told me this so i would be afraid to go outside after dark.  And it certainly worked.

On that field trip, i was inspired to imagine that there is something bigger than myself in the universal!  After all these years, i remember that trip like it was yesterday.  I haven't returned to the planetarium but it was a trip that has remained with me through all these years.

I cannot wait to take my children to the planetarium and experience all the magic and wonder it has to offer.

Were you ever inspired by a school trip as a child?