Thursday, September 1, 2011

On Marriage: Guest Blogger

I am sure you know today's guest blogger, the fun-tastic Faith. If you don't know her, you must check her out on Life.Love&Marriage. Everyone who stops by Faith's blog will not turn back without a smile. She is warm and even through a computer screen you want to hug her and see her smile. In my opinion she has the most bright and adoring smile on the blog-sphere!

We love to read her insight on relationship and everything else she writes on her blog is a hit! We were pleased, *{understatement}*, we were ECSTATIC when she accepted to write something on marriage to share with readers of TC30s.


Today she is here to tell us about The Importance of Date Nights in Our Marriages.

It is extremely easy to get wrapped up in our daily lives, especially in this day and age when there are just so many distractions. It is so easy to complain about how busy we are that sometimes we forget to make time for the most important people in our lives. I’ve heard people who have said that they have woken up one day and they have no idea who their spouse is. It is like the time whizzed on by and you were left with a stranger who you happened to marry years ago.

That scenario is one of the reasons why I believe that date nights are important. So important that we have designated a night or day each week to forget about how busy we are and wrap ourselves in that one person.

It can be a simple night in with the surprise of a candlelight dinner. Or a night out to a movie dressed in pajamas. A night where you go out dancing and the two of you move as one to the beat of the drum. Or a night spent on the couch cuddling, watching movies and eating ice cream. Or a day spent at a park having a romantic picnic.

Whatever the date consists of, the only thing that is truly important is taking the time out of the day to talk to your significant other about any and everything. A time to ask questions, to answer questions, to laugh out loud and flirt. A time to remember why you fell in love in the first place.

I believe that it takes work to keep the spark alive. It takes work to keep a happy marriage. Date nights are just one of the ways to help remember why you feel butterflies and why just the thought of that person leaves you breathless and flustered with desire. Date nights ensure that you do not become distant, that regardless of children, careers or busy schedules, you take time out of the week where it is only about the two of you. A night or day to remember how the love started.

Date nights with the hubby are always anticipated. I look forward to Fridays every week because I know that it is when no one else exists but him and I. There are no distractions such as the internet or the phone. Those beloved hours are only about us.

I encourage you to have a date night weekly. In this economy, research your area for fun things to do with your significant other for free. I know that this summer there were free concerts, festivals, fairs, etc, which cost us nothing. You do not have to spend money to have date nights. I repeat, you do not have to spend money to have date nights so make sure that is never an excuse as to why you don’t have date nights.

I’ll end this blog post with one of my favorite quotes:
“So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me... everyday."

Marriage isn’t easy but it is up to you to ensure that the love for your spouse grows with each passing day. Choose to love your spouse, choose to have date nights, choose to spend time with each other, choose to laugh with each other, choose to flirt, choose to have hot sex, and choose to be the person you would want to be with. Never be the person to say, we just fell out of love. Make those words impossible to utter.

Date nights won’t fix everything but it surely is the step in the right direction.


Thank you again Faith. Ladies don't forget to say hello to her at Life.Love&Marriage

Question: What do you do to keep the spark alive in your marriage?