There are exciting changes coming on TC30s ladies!
I hope you forgive us with the lacking posts.
Our lives continue to transition through many of wonderful changes.
MsBP recently became a mommy and enjoying every single second of it.
And Mrs. Pancakes’ is having a baby soon and still enjoying her adventures as a newlywed.
As soon as we both settle into our routines,
we will come back with lots of fresh energy and bring you refreshing posts, ideas and guests.
There will be more LOVELY guest bloggers who will confess about beauty, fitness,
health, fashion, marriage, babies and many more!
We really want to create a community through which we can all learn from each other.
To succeed in this mission we need your HELP.
We would love nominations for bloggers, non-bloggers who would like to share their experiences with us...or if you would like to nominate yourself...that would be great too!
Thank you for stopping by and for ALL your support.
Stay Tuned Ladies...
Email us at confessions30 @ gmail. com