Sunday, January 23, 2011

Be Inspired Monday: Accepting Your Reality

Source Unknown

This post is meant to encourage myself as well as you to accept our reality for what is it and live our lives!

The year of standing in my truth and living all accepting my reality for what it is!

I feel renewed as I approach my thirties and feel invigorated as I start so many new phases of my life including planning a wedding, becoming a Mrs to my Mr and being a more healthier and better me in 2011.  Whenever i reflect in my journal entries there are so many promises i made to myself including eating wisely and exercising more: being more healthier!  There were also a lot of talk about finding and keeping love!  The more I wrote in my journal entries about what I wanted to do and be, the more nothing happened!

In my twenties, I was definitely living in my head/journaling--a world in which I was creating but not really existing because it was NOT real.  The epiphany comes sometimes when you accept your reality for what it is.  Almost three years ago as I was creeping close to my thirties, it hit me that I had to accept my reality for what it was.  I was exercising but not eating and or being healthy.  I was falling in love with men but I wasn't accepting love in my life by loving myself just as I am!  How can anyone love you when you don't love yourself?! Such a cliche but so true.

Almost four years ago, i started to embrace myself for who i was: a loving, smart, independent woman who was not afraid to be alone! And as soon as i accepted that reality, i met my  future-husband-to-be! When he arrived, i was more than ready to receive all the love and care he had to give!

Needless to say for 2012, my new year's resolutions have to be revisited.  I need to accept my reality for what is is.  I need to love my body where it is and start making healthy decisions to take my body into my thirties!  I need to love myself so that others will love me openly and honestly.

I am learning in my thirties that it might be alright to live in your head in your twenties (if that is where you are) but this time in my life instead of living in my head--thinking about the 'what-if's", like Nike, I just have to do it!

Here's hoping that all of you out there JUST DO IT!

Share with the rest of us how and when you came to accept your reality for what is was or is?!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Be Inspired Monday: Accepting Who You Are

There are people who push other people down. They never accept a person if this person doesn't change into their ideal person.

But there are other people who accept you for who you are. Who welcome your imperfections and adore you for what you say. They might correct you in what you do, but will never turn their back on you when you fail.

Those are the people who can inspire and encourge you to become a better person without feeling like someone is oppressing you.

Hope in our new matured age we can inspire other people by accepting them for who they are.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Be Inspired Monday: They Were Not Built In A Day...

...Rome, Cairo, New York...

They were not built in a day!

Most of us have a wish on our hearts - we know that this dream doesn't turn itself into reality over night. And again we know what we need to do to achieve it but sometimes we feel as if time is not on our side.

We should never forget that ancient or modern cities were and are not built in a day. That's why I believe to achieve our goals or mission in life we need time to be strong and have vision of our future potential and positivity to move forward to achieve them. 

You see I know my mission in life, but I still have to learn how to get there - I am building on that vision on a daily basis. To do that I need positive people around me on a daily basis. And I believe this will apply to some of you.

A part from becoming a mother, my dream is to become a successful writer. Some people say "that's an unrealistic goal, there are too many people who want to do the same." Deep down I question what if I was born to do something great and unrealistic rather than something realistic and mediocre?

To be able to fill myself with positivity I get inspired by Ancient buildings. Sometimes we forget to get inspired by the great buildings that surround us. We forget about the many years and patience people took to build up those ancient cities. To be able to build the majestic Colosseum or Pyramid, there was a need for time and vision. Maybe at the time of labour some people stood aside and commented "What unrealistic thing are they trying to achieve with those piling up of stones?" They didn't have the vision like the architects who spent time visioning and dreaming up the plan!
So with dedication and determination, but especially vision we can get to wherever we want to be. Because for many successful people having vision and positivity are key in their daily lives.

Let's Get Inspired Monday to make have vision in our daily lives for out long term goals!

Questions of the Day:
1. Are you struggling to hold on to your vision? What do you need to do differently?
2. What motivates you to achieve your dreams?
3. How long did it take you to reach your most important goal?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Letters to our Young Selves...

Surely, many of us have been broken hearted before in our younger days. Maybe a cute guy have referred to us as ugly/fat/crater face or worse, we've been bullied. Again, maybe, we've had a bad sexual experience, an illness, death of a parent/sibling...
When we are going through these difficult times, we truly believe that our lives are over and the pain and hurt will never end! In hindsight, everything does turn out to be alright, or at least the pain and hurt is not as pronouced! Those are the times in our lives where we would have liked someone to tell us "don't worry, everything will be okay."

The following is the letter in which I would confess to my:

Dear 17-18 years old girl,

You got mom worried. She told you that if you eat too much you will get fat. Then you stopped to eat all the fat foods. She made you conscious about the food you ate and to lose the weight, you did the yo-yo dieting. Then you bought those dieting pills... and when you lost the weight, she turned around and phoned your elder sister because you were losing so much weight?

You felt good, but deep down you still felt ugly.

Why did you bother you pretty girl?

I know why. You wanted somebody to tell you "You are beautiful." To have a mother who could listen to
Unpretty and understand you. You were strong for your self, but that was okay. Although you think you lost the weight for yourself, you did it because deep down you were acting on those words.

Let me tell you girl, you will find comfort and support through your poetry. You will then find true love when you least expect it a few months down the line. The person will love you because you are beautiful from the inside.
You will still have the extra pounds but you will know which clothes to wear to flatter the body. You will enjoy the curves because they make you a really beautiful woman. You will undertand that you are gracious in the 501 Lewis - you will buy them again to show off your curves :)!. You will champion your natural looks.

As you can read, everything will turn out alright. You will love life in full: with all it has to offer and more! You will see the queen in your self and you will cherish her! Because you will learn to appreciate life through the half full glass...


Your quasi-30something Self!
If you had the chance to go back and confess something to your younger self, what would you say?

Please take this time and confess something that happened to your younger self and what you would say to them! Help someone else in the process while helping your younger self!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Be Inspired Monday: Oprah

Oprah Winfrey (born Orpah Gail Winfrey), we all know her. Those who don't know her may not own a television, radio and internet or may just be too young to understand.

For many of us she is like a mother, an auntie, a friend, a sister and or a mentor. But how did she become so important? She was born into poverty and had a hard childhood but we believe with determination and dedication she has been doing great things and continues to do even greater things.

Oprah as a phenomena inspires and we hope we can confess on Be Inspired Monday post why she inspires so much! According to us she has a positive attitude and strong personality. Obviously we can believe what we see on television but there is still something about the woman that push people to try to achieve greter things in their lives.

The question today is: How can one come from abject poverty and become inspiring to so many people around the world?

Let's us confess on TC30s what or who inspires us!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Here is to 2011 and OWNing our dreams, goals and everything in between!

January 1, 2011 (1.1.11)