When we are going through these difficult times, we truly believe that our lives are over and the pain and hurt will never end! In hindsight, everything does turn out to be alright, or at least the pain and hurt is not as pronouced! Those are the times in our lives where we would have liked someone to tell us "don't worry, everything will be okay."
The following is the letter in which I would confess to my:
Dear 17-18 years old girl,If you had the chance to go back and confess something to your younger self, what would you say?You got mom worried. She told you that if you eat too much you will get fat. Then you stopped to eat all the fat foods. She made you conscious about the food you ate and to lose the weight, you did the yo-yo dieting. Then you bought those dieting pills... and when you lost the weight, she turned around and phoned your elder sister because you were losing so much weight?
You felt good, but deep down you still felt ugly.
Why did you bother you pretty girl?
I know why. You wanted somebody to tell you "You are beautiful." To have a mother who could listen to Unpretty and understand you. You were strong for your self, but that was okay. Although you think you lost the weight for yourself, you did it because deep down you were acting on those words.
Let me tell you girl, you will find comfort and support through your poetry. You will then find true love when you least expect it a few months down the line. The person will love you because you are beautiful from the inside.
You will still have the extra pounds but you will know which clothes to wear to flatter the body. You will enjoy the curves because they make you a really beautiful woman. You will undertand that you are gracious in the 501 Lewis - you will buy them again to show off your curves :)!. You will champion your natural looks.
As you can read, everything will turn out alright. You will love life in full: with all it has to offer and more! You will see the queen in your self and you will cherish her! Because you will learn to appreciate life through the half full glass...
Your quasi-30something Self!
Please take this time and confess something that happened to your younger self and what you would say to them! Help someone else in the process while helping your younger self!
That letter was very powerful! Short confessional letter to my younger self:
Dear Young Self:
Always know that love is much bigger than your first, second and or third love will ever show you. Love begins with you loving yourself first and foremost! Loving yourself inside and out. Furthermore, always know that God has your back so never give up your morals and values and be strong no matter how cute that first, second and or third love is! Know that God has something bigger planned for your life, especially your love life, which you spend endless days and nights pouring over in your diary! Love will happen in the most unexpected ways. But remember first to love yourself! And keep laughing because that is truly God's best medicine!
Cheers from your 30something Self!
Letter to Sara,
People are going to say dumb things. People are going to ask you dumb questions. People are going to make you think that your beliefs are wrong. People will be just mean.
When you hear "You can't just be a Christian. You have to be something else, no one can be just a Christian. You have to be Catholic, or Lutheran or something like that." Those are people who just don't understand. You can be a Christian. Please don't turn away from your beliefs because some other children your age don't understand either.
Just so you know, you can be just a Christian. It is okay to think that religion is man made, because it is - and you don't have to like the rules that religion puts on people. You will find a church you will call home.
Furthermore, you will grow up to be a strong Christian woman. You will raise strong Christian children. They will never think God does not exist some other children didn't understand.
Your 30something self.
Thanks Sara and Miss Pancakes, your words are very powerful. Thanks so much for sharing.
What a great letter. Oh yes, if I could have gone back to give words of wisdom to my younger self...it would have been to tell me to dump the guy who cheated on me and know that there are so many more fish in the sea. (Oh, I did eventually dump the guy--but it took me three years to do it.)
Very powerful. Loved this.
I would tell my younger self that life isn't always about fun. This is the time to work hard and not be afraid of hard work as it will pay off in the end. DON'T TAKE EASY STREET!
Oh, and find a hairstylist before moving to Germany!
Thanks Sommer for stopping by.
Our 30s are going to be the time to gain more from, because we are learning from the mistakes of our young age to make the most out of 30s.
Dear Stephanie:
You will waste a lot of time hating your body. Don't. It will bring you a beautiful baby girl someday. Slightly worse for the wear, but better and more powerful than you will ever know.
You will waste a lot of time assuming you can change your friends and your man. You can't. Keep those who cherish you for who you are, who will support you in those difficult times ahead. Send the others off with love, no regrets, no grudges.
You will know disappointment. You will know heartache. You will know sorrow you never knew possible.
You will also realize dreams you never thought you would. You will experience true love, transformative love in your husband and your baby girl. You will know happiness you never knew possible.
Keep your chin up, don't let them get you down.
I letter to my younger self will read like this:
Dear me,
Losing weight to please those around you will only bring outward contentment. Change what you can and work towards inner peace. Be strong when the need arise and be weak when you have to.
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