Monday, November 26, 2012

Be Inspired Monday: Motivation

I so need some motivation this Monday...
I am moving a little slow after the long weekend...
But I have made up my mind to just get up and get going...


Be Inspired to motivate yourself!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Be Inspired Monday: Courage, Get Some!

There are too many of us not growing....because we are living in fear.
Fear stunts growth...
Growth delays living.
Living prevents dreaming.
Lack of dreaming kills our souls.
Whatever your journey...we can all use a little courage.

This Monday let's be Inspired to be courageous to live our best lives ever!!


What is preventing you from being courageous?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wednesday Fashion Item: Truth or Dare

hello everyone, well good evening, i couldn’t let you this day go without a Wednesday fashion item post.

truth or dare. let’s chat about these footwear by Madonna.


i am not 100% keen on some of them, in fact apart from the last picture the previous three are not of my liking.

how about you, do you like them? truth or dare

Monday, November 12, 2012

Be Inspired Monday: Celebrating Our Veterans

Happy Veterans Day!

Today is Veterans Day and there is so much to celebrate about this day.
Whether you are volunteering, spending time with family...we need to remember that
without our Veterans and the sacrifices they make on a daily basis...
we wouldn't have all the freedoms we have.

Today let us be thankful for all they do and will always do for our country...
and for us individually.
Be inspired this Monday to say: God Bless Our Veterans

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Breastfeeding in Style

the other day i was wondering where my sense of fashion ended. then i remembered that not long ago i was able to enjoy my new status of motherhood and still wear fashionable items. P1067411really motherhood and breastfeeding needn’t be the killer of our sense of fashion


what do you read to look good whilst breastfeeding and being a mother?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Be Inspired Monday: The Crazy Believe

Source: via TOI on Pinterest


is never too late too send one's way a positive quote. stay inspired to week to be in your dreams